Social Media gone Mobile

So recently I have been on the road a lot. Whether I am in the field or at my desk I am totally loving all of the options I have for taking my social media network with me wherever I go.
I know many people, including my hubby think I am a total social media addict, which I am, but that doesn’t change the fact that being in the business I am in (Public Affairs) I am required  to be “connected” pretty much 24/7. So here are a few of the most recent apps and programs I have discovered along my journey to being 100 percent mobile.

1. Facebook Mobile
2. Twitter – Twitterberry (for more twitter tools read this post)
3. Personal Assistant for Blackberry – blackberry app world for this one.
4. Viigo for Blackberry
5. Gmail for blackberry
6. Flickr for blackberry

I am sure there are others, probably a dozen (read gazillion) for iPhone but as I am a die-hard crackberry fan I won’t go into those here.

What I love about all of this is that I can respond instantly wherever I am. I gave a great social media presentation yesterday but on the way back to the office got a call that I had a potentially huge media situation that I needed to respond to ASAP. Because I had all my lovely blackberry mobile apps I was able to deal with the AJC, Fox 5 and others not only with my comments but with photos, additional contacts on the scene and a release. All from the road. Awesome.

Got some great suggestions for taking your network with you on the road? I’d love to hear them!